In the period between Christmas and the New Year, the developers of a major tourism project at Tuit Rd, Aldinga, announced some major changes to their existing Development Application.
The original development application was waved through late last year, but the developers are now asking for an extension of trading hours until midnight seven days a week, and for the erection of five 27 metre tall light towers so that surfers and patrons can party on even longer. (The development also includes a bar, restaurant, and numerous other recreational facilities).
If they were hoping no-one would notice these rather substantial changes to the original proposal, they were sorely mistaken.
Over 100 affected neighbours and concerned local residents from Aldinga, Port Willunga and Maslin Beach have come together to put their names to a submission objecting to the variations to the Development Application.
According to locals, the extended operating hours, especially the required floodlighting, would severely harm the character and amenity of our local environment and community. Such alterations are wholly inappropriate for a tranquil, rural, and coastal area like this.
As one local put it: “These changes, if approved, could drastically alter the quality of life in our community. Imagine the lights of Adelaide Oval operating 7 days per week until midnight, in a peaceful area like ours. Even Adelaide Oval has a curfew of 10:30 pm, and their events are irregular.”
The Variation to the Development Application can be found online at Application 24038141 | Submission | PlanSA
A draft objection letter has been prepared by Planning Consultants representing affected neighbours, and local residents are invited to add their names and addresses to the submission in opposition.
If you’d like to know more about the proposed variation to the development application, or wish to voice your opposition to this proposal, please reach out to Pam Zervas on 0417 817 402 or Mauren Tyler on 0422 903 048 or via email at
Your voice matters—make sure your concerns are heard before the deadline of 20 January 2025.