The reading of 108.0mm for November 2022 was the wettest November in the last 11 years. The previous wettest November was 49.5mm in 2018. The average for the 11 year period for November is 30.32mm. It rained on 12 of the 30 days of November.
How does this compare with the other 122 years:
Year November Year to date
2022 108.0mm 564.0mm
2021 40.5mm 489.5mm
2020 11.5mm 467.5mm
2019 25.5mm 355.0mm
2018 49.5mm 332.0mm
2017 9.0mm 473.0mm
2016 12.5mm 610.5mm
2015 14.0mm 407.0mm
2014 19.0mm 364.0mm
2013 9.0mm 478.0mm
2012 15.0mm 491.0mm
2011 20.0mm NA
After last month’s comments on tanks, a friend passed on that they empty their first flush in Spring & leave it off until a good rain is forecast. This reduces odours in your water & it the means the roof & pipes get a good clean before water capture begins again. Thanks for that good comment.
A few people have asked why it’s been so wet this year. Three things are causing the rain & the floods across Australia. They are,
(1) the warming of the Pacific through La Niña. This brings in rain from the north east & this will abate during summer.
(2)The Indian Ocean Dipole which heats the ocean north west of Australia & brings in rain from around Broome. The tracks of these two cross over between lower Queensland down into Victoria/Tasmania. We get a bit from each system.
(3)The third system has been the circular gale force winds that circle Antartica. Every now & then a part of these winds shear off & hit us. That means wind, rain & cool temperatures. All three together are Insurance Companies worst nightmares. That’s what gave us the 45mm mid-November & the extended periods of flooding.
Now the summer forecast period:
. La Nina will ease during summer & the rain in the eastern states will ease as will flooding,
. Our oceans will remain warm to the north east & north west, with the weather from Broome probably giving us slightly above average rainfall over summer,
. Day time temperatures will be about average but night time temperatures will be slightly higher than average,
. Soil moisture is currently above average after October & November rainfall, deep down but the surface will be drying quickly with approaching warm weather, so keep up the water if plants begin to look thirsty,
. Fire risk is normal – our farmer friend has cut & bailed his fire break & he will harvest prior to Xmas if it gets warmer & rain eases. He is likely to bail soon after harvest,
. Tropical Cyclones are likely to be above average in number this summer because of the hot seas north of Australia – evaporation = clouds = rain for us. The TC’s will start earlier than usual as well,
. All the dams in South Australia & the Eastern States are full & the Murray Darling river system is over 100%, hence the flooding we are seeing on the TV news.
Enjoy the sunshine & be thankful we all have full tanks at the end of spring.
Have a safe & healthy Xmas