Local government plays a huge role in protecting and preserving the environment, and The City of Onkaparinga has a strong tradition of introducing positive measures and initiatives based on environmental and sustainability issues.
For that reason, a number of local environmental and community groups have contacted all the candidates standing for Mayor of Onkaparinga City, as well as those standing in the Southern Vales and South Coast Wards, to offer them the opportunity to introduce themselves to our collective membership, and to let us know where they stand on a number of key environmental issues in the City of Onkaparinga.
Each candidate was given the same ten questions to answer. Here are the responses of Cr Wayne Olsen, Candidate for Southern Vales Ward
10 Questions Council Election
- Where do you live? What attracted you to where you live?
Lived in McLaren Vale for 30 years and was attracted by the lifestyle ie. rural environment, beaches, township community
- What’s your political background?
100% independent – no political affiliations (not now, or in the past)
- To which community groups or associations do you belong?
Council contact for many community groups / associations as current Elected Member, City of Onkaparinga, Southern Vales Ward.
Hackham West Community Centre
McLaren Vale Business & Tourism Association
McLaren Vale Hall
McLaren Vale Sports Park
Kangarilla Sports Park
Kangarilla Progress Association
McLaren Flat Sports Park
Flat to Vale Trail Community Group
Willunga High School
- If elected, what will be your priorities?
Save our Water Assets from Privatisation
Ensuring Council delivers on it’s Climate Change Response Plan 2022-2027
Construct a new bike trail from Willunga to Aldinga
Improve Rural Intersection Safety in the Willunga Basin
Minimise rates via cost efficiencies and productivity savings
Reduce debt via sound financial management
Improve the quality and maintenance of parks, playgrounds and open space
Improve sports-grounds facilities and changerooms
Support tourism and small business growth ensuring appropriate supporting infrastructure is in place
Ensure First Nations people have a say and input to Council’s decision making.
- What are your policies regarding the environment and biodiversity?
To hold Council staff accountable and responsible for delivering on Council’s Climate Change Response Plan 2022-2027 which sets out five goals :
- Climate Smart Neighbourhoods
- Climate Ready Communities
- Climate Resilient Natural Areas
- Low Carbon Transition
- Climate Risk Reduction
- Do you think the City of Onkaparinga should re-visit declaring a Climate Emergency?
Yes, any decision made on climate change must be continually re-evaluated and re-addressed as it’s a continually changing environment where action must be taken immediately.
- How can Council accelerate de-carbonisation within the community?
Change Councils vehicle fleet to electric vehicle – particularly waste rubbish truck fleet
Install network of electric charging points across the City
Increase biodiversity planting, including dense urban forests
Install solar panels on all Council buildings
Move away from paper-based communications, rate notices, etc to electronic
Encourage and increase recycling rates of homeowners
Circular economy for recycled waste
Advocate for improved public transport
Advocate for 6-Star Green Star communities and housing design
Advocate for low carbon house design and build
Use of local businesses and service providers – Buy local
Rainwater capture and use of recycled water
Convert to LED lighting in Council buildings and importantly street lighting (where not converted already)
Purchase electricity from renewable sources
- How would you make Onkaparinga a better place to live with less resource consumption?
More walkable suburbs
More bike paths with improved inter-connectivity
Improved public transport network
Train line extended to Aldinga
Less medium density developments
Circular economy for recycled waste
More shade trees (and biodiversity planting) to reduce the urban heat island effect
Restoration and recovery of creeks and waterways
More community gardens
- How would you, as Mayor, aim to influence Elected Members to be effective decision makers?
Not applicable – Candidate for Councillor
- Do you have ideas for championing improvements in the energy efficiency and lower resource footprints of new and retrofit development, both domestic and commercial?
Change Councils vehicle fleet to electric vehicle – particularly waste rubbish truck fleet
Install network of electric charging points across the City
Install solar panels on all Council buildings
Move away from paper-based communications, rate notices, etc to electronic
Encourage and increase recycling rates of homeowners
Circular economy for recycled waste
Advocate for 6-Star Green Star communities and housing design
Advocate for low carbon house design and build
Use of local businesses and service providers – Buy local
Increase the use of recycled water for commercial and public open space